Friday, December 27, 2019

Generations Of The Harry Potter Fandom New And Old

Generations of the Harry Potter Fandom: New and Old What will J.K. Rowling come up with next? As a fan of the Harry Potter film and book series, I grew up with the many adventures of Harry Potter and his heroic friends. From his first experiences at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to the epic, heart pounding battle that not only ended with the (spoiler alert) defeat of Harry Potter’s nemesis Voldermort, but also the loss of many of his dear friends and family. Each and every fan out there was heart-broken over the loss of each vital character. From the death of Sirius Black to Dobby: the free elf and so many others like Professor Albus Dumbledore and Remus Lupin. All were dear to Harry and to his fan kingdom. But the fandom of the Potter series were not just linked to Potter himself, but to every detail about the wizarding world. From the clothing to the idea of becoming a witch or wizard. The new world that J. K. Rowling had created had fans completely mesmerized. As a huge, continued fan, and even after the series was complete, I am still in awe of details within the movies and the books. From the pictures that are memories of real people that a person can interact with to the Hogwart’s castle that is alive with moving columns, the great hall whose ceiling is bewitched to show the sky outside, and the room of requirement that appears to aid any student in whatever they needed at the time. Like all unforgettable books and movies, there is a hero and a villain.Show MoreRelatedA Research Study On The Internet2365 Words   |  10 PagesYouTube posed somewhat of a question mark in my household when it came pre-downloaded onto my mother’s first iPhone in 2007. Only two years after its creation, the app’s icon resembled a brown, old fashioned TV- nothing like the vivid, red play button that is used now. My mum deleted the app, convinced there was no need for it. I discovered just how wrong she was in March 2012 when at thirteen I turned to YouTube to learn how to sing ‘On My Own’ from Les Miserables for a school competition. It was

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Police Corruption in America Essay - 1699 Words

Police Corruption in America The police officer stands at the top of the criminal justice system in a nation where crime rates are high and where the demands for illegal goods and services are widespread. These conditions create a situation in which the police officer is confronted with opportunity to accept a large number of favors or grants. Police corruption occurs in many forms and observers of police behavior agree that it falls into nine specific areas. Drug related police corruption differs from other types of police corruption. In addition to protecting criminals or ignoring their activities, officers involved in drug related corruption were more likely to be involved in stealing drugs and/or money from drug dealers,†¦show more content†¦Unbelievably, there are cases of corruption that are far worse. Two have been charged with keeping a brothel, for which they are alleged to have kidnapped a 15-year-old virgin. Another officer set up a childrens home, which he advertised as a charity. Charl ies Shelter in fact offered young boys for sex. The local police record an unusual number of suicides and mysterious incidents of heart failure. One detective failed to notice that a tourist, whom he diagnosed as having been beaten to death, had been shot at point-blank range. Perhaps the officer in question was distracted by the strain of managing his second-hand car business. The people in charge of the police organizations are not blind to what is going on; some are just too scared to admit that there are corrupt officers in their force. Others may just really not know what is going on while the rest are either involved in the corruption or speaking up and trying to stop the dishonesty. For example, Roy Penrose, director-general of a new squad, warned the public that a small but significant number of officers were known to be selling police information and aiding former officers and criminals as to the whereabouts of safe havens where they could go unharmed in dealing in their drug trades. He pledged to be ruthless in sacking corrupt and incompetent officers (Welch, p 13). James Wood, a formerShow MoreRelated Police Corruption in America2871 Words   |  12 Pages Police Corruption in America The missions statement of police agencies usually highlight with pride the maintenance, promotion, and protection of peace, order, safety, and justified law enforcement in communities and the entire nation. Police officers are agents meant to bust crimes and get the bad guys. The police agency that the public use to lean on as the legitimate authority figure to come to the rescue however has created conflicting public perception. The misconduct of some policeRead MoreProhibition And The Prohibition Of America1298 Words   |  6 PagesThe prohibition was a divided experiment that unintentionally brought organized crime, flourished the presence of speakeasies in America and created a high rise of criminals in America. The backfiring of the prohibition brought America an uprising in organized crime; criminals and the consumption, manufacturing and selling of alcohol became more expensive and profitable to those involved. Silk suits, guns, money and booze were the popular creden tials amongst the finest in the bootlegging and mobRead MoreCorruption of Foreign Governments Essay1214 Words   |  5 PagesCorruption can be defined as the misuse of entrusted power for personal benefit. It can also be described as letting personal or family relationships influence economic decision making, be it by private economic agents or by government officials. Corruption is always kept secret and therefore individual behavior of corrupt agents is almost impossible to observe systematically in real life. The objectives of government are vital to the understanding of the diverse negative effectsRead MoreThe Positive Relationship Between Public Officials and Corruption 1384 Words   |  6 Pagestrouble. Police officers are part of a branch in law enforcement that helps contribute in the enforcement of certain restrictions and rules to the society in transforming and keeping it a healthy environment. Law officials have been in existence for the majority of the time, but have now been bribed into letting particular situations slide by. It has converted into controversial issue and common situation, where now it is possible to be seen anywhere. What ever happened to those police officersRead MorePolice corruption770 Words   |  4 Pagesdefinition of Police corruption is a specific form of police misconduct designed to obtain financial gain, other personal gain, or career advancement for a police officer or officers in exchange for not pursuing, or selectively pursuing, an investigation or arrest. One common form of police corruption is taking bribes in exchange for not reporting organized drug or prostitution rings or other illegal activities. Another example is police officers misusing the police code of conductRead MoreUnethical Police Operations1099 Words   |  5 PagesUnethical Police Operations When a Police Officer abuses his authority, it is called police misconduct. Police misconduct is a broad term used to describe police corruption and police brutality which include violations of state and federal laws, the violation of an individual’s constitutional rights, the abuse of police authority for personal gain, excessive force, false arrest and imprisonment, malicious prosecution, and wrongful death. Police misconduct can often lead to the miscarriage of justiceRead MoreThe Crime Of The Police Essay1629 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction When we think of the police, we normally think of the brave men and women out on the street, enforcing the law, catching criminals, helping out the public in cases of emergency and making us feel safe in general. Most of the Police in most of the world is like that which is a good thing, However in the United States of America the police here are a bit more ruthless. Most of the police officers are very nice people and they really do want to help out in their community, but unfortunatelyRead MoreEssay on Police Brutality and Corruption681 Words   |  3 PagesPolice Brutality and Corruption Corruption in policing is viewed as the misuse of authority by a police officer acting officially to fulfill his/her personal needs or wants. There are two distinct elements of corruption; 1) misuse of authority, 2) personal attainment. The occupational subculture of policing is a major factor in both creating police corruption, by initiating officers into corrupt activities, and sustaining it, by covering up corrupt activities by other officers. Police corruptionRead MoreAn Eyewitness Of Police Brutality Essay1742 Words   |  7 Pagesgood and the bad. I am an eyewitness of police brutality that has taken place on a daily basis there. There are several individuals in Baltimore who have no respect for the police at all and the reason is they feel as if the police officers have no respect for them. A Baltimore resident by the name Freddie Gray died from a spinal injury at the hands of police during an arrest on April 2015. Trust he was the not the first who was injured or killed in police custody in Baltimore. â€Å"$5.7 million is theRead MorePolice Misconduct And The Criminal Justice System1039 Words   |  5 PagesPolice unethical operations, imposes high cost on police, the criminal justice system, and society. Criminal activity by a police officer undermines the basic integrity of law enforcement and the grounds which the laws were based on. Regardless if an officer takes a small bribe or is involve in a drug trade, the corruption forever change the relationship between communities and the face of justice. . . Unethical Police Operation When a Police Officer abuses his authority, it is called police

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

King Sejong the Great Essay Example For Students

King Sejong the Great Essay King Sejong, the fourth King of the Choson Dynasty from 1418 to 1450, is regarded by most Koreans as one of the greatest figures in their countrys history. Along with his strong love and enthusiasm for the nation, he enforced many significant reforms, laying the foundation for the Confucian state dynasty that was to rule for more than 500 years. One of the Kings ruling feature which I admire the most is his passion for education. He believed that everyone had a right to learn, which is the ultimate way for improving the nation to the greater extent. He founded a state research institute, the Hall of Worthies (Chiphyonjon), at the beginning of his reign, staffing it with talented officials who were encouraged to conduct a variety of research activities required for monarchical rule. The direction of government was thus set and the quality of governance enhanced. King Sejong was able to provide an environment for the nations development and prosperity. The invention of han-gul, the Korean alphabet, planned and directed by the king, is an achievement that no Korean can overlook. Koreans should show appreciation to him that they can express their language with an effective writing system. The invention of han-gul alone is enough to place Sejong as a historical figure for the nation. Sejong moreover believed that a king was morally obligated to ensure the common peoples basic lives. He also thought that he should refine their lifestyle through Confucian enlightenment. After his tenth year in power, he came up with methods to promote agriculture as a means of providing adequate food and clothing for his people. Agricultural policies were at the heart of King Sejongs rule. He focused on two areas: the development of agricultural technology and the implementation of an equitable taxation system for agricultural products. In terms of technology, Sejong wanted to transfer the advanced agricultural techniques used in the southern provinces to other parts of Korea and to develop and distribute medical services as a means of bolstering labor efficiency in agriculture. In addition to the agricultural achievements, several comprehensive medical texts were published including the compiled in 1431. Moreover, he published a manual for the general public entitled as part of the efforts to promote population growth. Later in the 12th year of his reign, King Sejong began looking into reform of the land tax problem. After painstaking consideration, the Tribute Tax Law (kongpop) was promulgated in 1444; it was in the 26th year of his reign. King Sejongs reign was also a time of great developments in science and technology. Advancements in astronomical science, one of Sejongs major achievements, along with the invention of han-gul, originated during this time. Sejong mobilized scholars to invent astronomical instruments, including armillary spheres for celestial observations and to determine the latitude of Kyongbokkung. Korean monarchs had long been interested in this field because it was thought to offer a window into the future. The development of a rain gauge during Sejongs reign was a significant development because it allowed scientists to accurately measure rainfall and therefore better predict the outcome of the years harvest, a crucial piece of information for the ruling government. Two years later, he ordered the development of various clocks, notably an automatically striking clepsydra (chagyongnu). As his policies for the improvement of living standards began to show results, he gradually introduced other pol icies aimed at popular enlightenment. I especially admire the creation of Korean alphabet, which I think is an important result of King Sejongs practical humanitarianism and became an access even for the common people to learn. With his Confucian philosophy that regarded the people as the foundation of the state, King Sejong contributed to the improvement of living conditions for the common people and to the development of Korean culture. .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84 , .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84 .postImageUrl , .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84 , .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84:hover , .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84:visited , .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84:active { border:0!important; } .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84:active , .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84 .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4df45fac078d30d99490791fe15e1f84:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Sweatshop Labor: Wearing Thin EssayBibliography:

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The market discounts everything Essay Example

The market discounts everything Essay Technical analysis assumes that a stock price reflects everything that has and could affect the company and hence, fundamental factors are reflected without the need to be considered separately. Hence, the analysis of price movement through technical analysis should be done as it is vital and representative of the stock as a whole.   Price moves in trends In technical analysis, price movements are believed to follow trends. This means that after a trend has been established, the future price movement is more likely to be in the same direction as the trend than to be against it. History tends to repeat itself. The repetitive nature of price movements has been observed and has been attributed to market psychology. Market participants have been found largely to provide a consistent reaction to similar market stimuli over time. With such repetitive reactions, chart patterns are concrete in analyzing market movements for the understanding of trends as history tends to repeat itself. Just as many tools are available for fundamental analysis, a range of indicators are available for technical analysis. This report uses the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Support and Resistance levels to aid in the better understanding of the price trends of ANZ. Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) The MACD is one of the most well-known and used indicators in technical analysis. It comprises of two exponential moving averages which help to measure momentum in the security. The MACD measures short-term momentum compared to longer term momentum, allowing for signals with regards to the current direction of momentum. We will write a custom essay sample on The market discounts everything specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The market discounts everything specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The market discounts everything specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer When the MACD is positive, it signals that the shorter term moving average is above the longer term moving average and suggests an upward momentum. When the MACD is negative, it signals the opposite. Using the commonly used 12 short periods, 26 long periods and 9 EMA periods, MACD is charted for ANZ. (Based on 5 years history) One of the most common buy signals are generated when the MACD crosses the signal line, as shown at the upward cross in the figure while sell signals often occur when the MACD crosses below the signal, as shown at the downward cross in the above figure. Based on the charts purple circles, the MACD and signal line have been observed to be on par with each other for most periods of time. The latest MACD and signal line are once again on par with each other, Johnnie can buy the stock as based on past trends as it is hardly that the MACD goes below the signal line. Relative Strength Index (RSI) The RSI is another well-known and used tool in technical analysis. It helps to signal overbought and oversold conditions in a security. Plotted in a range of 0 to 100, a reading above 70 is used to suggest that a security is overbought while a reading below 30 is used to suggest that it is oversold. This indicator helps traders to identify whether a securitys price has been unreasonably pushed to current levels and whether a reversal may be on the way. A RSI is charted for ANZ based on its 5 years history, suggesting the periods over the 70 reading to have been overbought and those under 30 to have been oversold. Based on the chart above, the latest showings by ANZ signalled by the purple circle are within the boundaries, signalling that it is not overbought or oversold. As such, it is a good time for Johnnie to buy the stocks since they are not unreasonably priced. Support and Resistance A security price seldom moves above its resistance or below its support level. Support and resistance levels are important in terms of market supply and demand as traders are willing to buy the stock at support level and sell it at resistance level. Once these trends are broken, it is thought that supply and demand have shifted and a new support and resistance level will likely to be established. Based on the last third quarters of 2009 and first three quarters of 2010 history of ANZ, its support and resistance level is established at resistance level approximately AUD$24. 50 and support level approximately AUD$21. Based on the latest showings of ANZ (purple circle), the stock price is predicted to rise at least till its resistance level. As such, Johnnie should buy the stock now as there are rooms before the stock price hits resistance. Besides, the last time the stock price hit resistance level (black circle), it moved slightly above resistance. Based on ANZs current showings, there is a high possibility for price to move up another resistance level. Price Predictions The above chart resembles a breakout from the price convergence pattern of the upside over the medium term (3-6months) and suggests a rising trend with a short term target of 2/3rds the depth of the price convergence pattern. This is roughly $24 + (2/3 x (25. 80-21)) or $27. 20. This prediction of a rise in price can be further justified with by the current stock market which is on its way to recovery after going down from the period of April to July 2010. As the stock market recovers, ANZ stock will be positively affected as well. (Source: http://www. tradingeconomics. com/default. aspx) Australias economy on the whole has also been doing well since the start of 2010. The major indicator of the macro-environment, Australias GDP Growth Rate has been buoyant with a significant positive increase in the third quarters of 2010. With the economy performing well as a whole, the price prediction of ANZ rising can be further justified.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

effect of workaholism Essay Example

effect of workaholism Essay The effect of Workaholism. If youre addicted to checking your email and regularly work through evenings, weekends and vacations, you might be a workaholic , and your health may be suffering because of it. Recent research done by the Kansas State University study, found that well-being is generally not a priority for workaholic. Workaholic will effects the family ,social life and health of who that addicted to workaholic. First and foremost, workaholics adversely affect their families. They will have weak communication with other family member. This can make the relationship in the amily stressful and likely collapse anytime. In addition , they have little help with housework because of focusing on thier work so the family will be in disorder and cause uncomfortable feeling. Besides that, the children have development incompletely about body and spirit, they need taking care more from others, especially their parent while the workaholics lifestyle gain much time and the parent will have no time to care about their son. As a result, their kid may be naughty, lazy or their ability will not develop and their future will be influenced very much. We will write a custom essay sample on effect of workaholism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on effect of workaholism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on effect of workaholism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Secondly, workaholic can have numerous effects on their social lives. When people addict to work, they will have no attention to other thing around them. They are losing relationship among their relatives and friends and partners. Therefore, they will face many difficulties in life because they have no help from others. Furthermore , in society, they also have few friend because of little communication with people in society. They concentrate on their work and dont take part in some social activities or make friends together. This will cause their spirit poor , unhappy nd bored. The additional problem of workaholics style is some influences on their own health. When they work too much, they will not avoid stress and some diseases like headache, stomachache or some serious professional diseases that take much time to treat. According to the report of health condition of worker publish by the organization of ones, there are about 90 percent of employees who is working hard suffering from the diseases like headache , feeling dizzy or stressful. Moreover , they can have inefficient performance at work because of these diseases. For instance, when you study many subjects, you cannot understand thoroughly each subject. It is similar to the workahilic, they do much work and cannot have an efficient presentation at their Job. In short, workaholism has many unhelpful effects on families, social and health. We must have suitable schedules in work and rest to keep equilibrium of our body and mind to stay away from this negative lifestyle. If workaholic can be cured, it is the best for their families and surrounding people. effect of workaholism By kepalaJimbebko

Sunday, November 24, 2019

An Argument against Gun Control

An Argument against Gun Control Introduction One of the most valued liberties by the American people is their right to bear arms; a right enshrined in the Second Amendment. This right, which was included in the bill of rights in 1791, has continued to be upheld by successive governments up to today.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on An Argument against Gun Control specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, this right has come under heavy criticism in recent years because of the numerous incidents of gun related violence’s in the country. The destruction caused by firearms in school shootings and the public at large has enraged many and led to calls for tighter gun control measures. The government has responded to this by imposing gun regulation, a move that has greatly angered gun control opponents. This paper will argue that the US government does not have any right to control guns and as such, it should respect the second amendment and stop t aking up measures to impose gun control on its citizens. Why Gun Control Should Be Abolished Gun control is an infringement upon the basic rights of the Americans to possess firearms. This right is explicitly protected by the Second Amendment, which states, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed (Barnett 265). By trying to impose gun control measures in the country, the government is going against the constitution. Considering that the government is required to uphold the constitution at all times, gun control measures are essentially unlawful. Advocates of gun control argue that the Second Amendment cannot be used to justify an individuals right to own firearms since this right was conditioned on service in an organized militia. This advocates state that the individual’s right to bear arms was tied to a military context and citizens were only empowered to have guns in readiness to serve when called to duty. Legal scholars refute this claim by st ating that the Second Amendment protected the right of the individual to possess firearms. Barnett states that even at the time of the making of the Second Amendment, the term bear arms did not have an exclusively military connotation; the term was also used to connote purely private use of arms (244). Therefore, the right of individuals to have fire guns in the present era is still protected by the US constitution. The control of bullets or even the ban of assault rifles will not prevent murderous people from engaging in killing. Domenech observes that most of the calls for stricter gun control measures come following tragic incidents like the mass killing of students in school by gun wielding individuals (25). Gun control proponents use tragedies of mass murders such as the Sandy Hook incident to make a case for further restrictions on the gun-owning rights of American citizens.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is in spite of the fact that there is no research data supporting the theory that gun possession increases the likelihood of mass murders taking place. Stricter gun control legislation will not prevent sad incidents like the Sandy Hook case which robbed 20 children and six adults of their lives since, as Domenech explains, no laws can make the murderously insane sane or remove their ability to destroy innocent lives (25). The government should try to identify the reasons for such incidents and take measures to avoid them from occurring in future. Blaming gun possession for action of deranged murderous is neglectful and it will only leave the public vulnerable to such attacks in the future. The ability of an individual to protect himself by having guns is reduced by having gun controls measures. Opponents of gun ownership hope to make it impossible for citizens to buy and have guns for self-protection. Most people invest in firearms so as to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. Domenech reveals that most handgun sales in the US are made to individuals who are interested in defending their homes (27). Strict gun control legislations will prevent many people from being able to acquire guns for this defensive purpose. It can be expected that the crime rates in the country will increase if individuals are barred from having guns. This is because guns have a deterrence effect on criminals who are discouraged from attacking homes where the owner has a gun. If criminals are not worried about being confronted by lethal legal weaponry by the person they intend to rob, crime rates will rise. Proponents of gun control argue that individuals with firearms still are attacked and even murdered by criminals. While this is true, it should not be used as the basis for denying people a right to protect themselves and increase their chances of fighting off criminals. The government should therefore stop all gun control since thes e measures have a negative impact on the safety of the citizens. Gun control will amount to an intrusion into the private lives of individuals by the government. As it is, the US has a gun culture that stretches back to centuries. This culture is connected to ideals such as individuality and liberty due to the deep relationships that guns have with the war for independence, which took place from 1775 to 1782 (Wolpert and Gimpel 244). Gun restrictions ignore the fact that guns have many legitimate users such as sporting and hunting. By imposing these laws, individuals are denied the right to enjoy their freedom to bear arms. Wolpert and Gimpel declare that by implementing gun control measures, the government is using coercive power to directly shape individual conduct (241). In a country that prides itself for having liberties for all its citizens, this government action should not be tolerated. The government should respect the privacy of its citizens and allow them to have firearms if they want to.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on An Argument against Gun Control specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion This paper set out to argue that gun control is an infringement upon the most basic of rights or American citizens and the government should not be empowered to control guns. The paper began by nothing that gun control measures are a violation of the constitutional rights of the American citizens. While these measures are mostly demanded to try to reduce incidents of gun related violence, research indicates that possession of guns by citizens does not reduce violence since people who intend to commit murder will still find a way to engage in these acts. Gun control also prevents people from engaging in legitimate personal activity such as hunting and protecting themselves form assailants. By stopping its attempts at gun control, the government will not only be upholding the constitutional rig hts of its citizens but it will also ensure that the citizens are able to enjoy the benefits that firearms bring to the individual and the society at large. Barnett, Randy. â€Å"Was the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Conditioned on Service in an Organized Militia?†. Texas Law Review 83.1 (2004): 237-277. Web. Domenech, Benjamin. â€Å"The Truth about Mass Shootings and Gun Control†. Commentary 135.2 (2013): 25-29. Web. Wolpert, Robin, and Gimpel James. â€Å"Self-interest, symbolic politics, and public attitudes towards gun control†. Political Behavior 20.3 (1998): 241-262. Web.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Snow White Movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Snow White Movie - Essay Example There are differences, in that the heroine in this effort is passive, a bit stupid and disloyal. This is in contrast to later heroines, in particular Belle from Beauty and the Beast. These are just a few of the similarities and differences between the early efforts put forth by Disney and the later ones. This paper will examine these similarities and differences, as well as many more. Discussion The imagery surrounding Snow White is considerably different than the imagery surrounding princesses in later Disney incarnations. The first, considerable difference between this animated feature and later features, such as The Little Mermaid is that the animals are less anthromorphized in this feature than in later ones, and the inanimate objects do not come to life, as they do in later features. For instance, in this feature, the animals do not talk. Thus, there is no talking, singing crab like in The Little Mermaid, and the dishes do not come to life and sing, such as in Beauty and the Beast. This aspect gave the movie a bit less of a fantasy quality than later movies, and lent a slightly more believable air to the proceedings. The story could have possibly happened in real life, except that the animals would not be as accommodating as they were in the feature, and, of course, the magic pr acticed by the Evil Queen would not be possible. But, since the animals and inanimate objects stay mute, the cartoon is not as much in the realm of the fantastic as the later Disney efforts. Because the animals did not talk, nor did the inanimate objects, the feature also seemed to be missing much of the humor which marked the later efforts. Some of the funnier characters in Disney films were the different animals that populate the worlds – such as the crows in Dumbo and Thomas O’Malley Scat Cat friends in The Aristocats. Another aspect to these characters, specifically the crows in Dumbo and O’Malley’s friends in The Aristocats is that these characters were unmistakably based upon African-Americans. The crab in The Little Mermaid was unmistakably Hispanic. In this way, the later features were able to subtly introduce characters of color, even though the main characters were white, or, as in the case of The Aristocats and Dumbo, animals who are based upon Caucasians. Snow White did not have any characters whom were indisputably based upon different ethnicities, as could have been the case had the animators decided to inject a few animal characters into the story, therefore the story is considerably less multi-cultural then later efforts by the studio. Another curious aspect of the story was the way that the dwarfs were introduced and handled. When the dwarfs were first seen in the diamond mine, and in their trek to their home, they were indistinguishable from one another, for the most part. The exceptions to this were Doc, who was set apart by the fact that he wore glasses; Dopey, who was set apart because he was bald and had no facial hair; and Grumpy, who was well-defined from the beginning as a grump, therefore he stood out. The others did not embody their respective names – Happy, Sneezy, Bashful and Sleepy. It would have been more effective if the viewer could have more of an introduction to these dwarfs to show exactly why and how they got their name. For instance, if Sneezy would have been sneezing in the mine and on the way home, he would have been more easily distinguished from the others. If Happy would have been seen doing a â€Å"happy dance,† then he would have been better defined. If Bashful would have been turning red early on, the viewer would have known who he was. And, if Sleepy would have been